Roxanne Benjamin, MA, OTR/L is a licensed pediatric Occupational Therapist practicing in Los Angeles. As a therapist and a mom to her own two young children, Roxanne understands the challenges that come with the joys of parenting, and the importance of having the right support and guidance through it all. Roxanne received her Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California, and has a great passion for working with children with special needs. She has been practicing OT since 2010, and has worked with children from the ages of 4 months to 11 years old. She practiced for several years in various pediatric settings in Los Angeles, and has specialized in home-based OT since 2013. Roxanne strives to use a holistic approach with each individual child, taking into great consideration the unique needs of every family, in order to ensure that goals, strategies, and the overall approach best meets the needs of the child and family as a whole.
Roxanne has experience working with children with:
Cerebral Palsy
Down Syndrome
Other Genetic Conditions and Neurological Disorders
Developmental Delay
Sensory Processing Disorder
Muscular Disorders
Her primary focus is in the areas of:
Sensory Integration
Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT)
Fine and gross motor development